What is uReporter all about?
uReporter is a citizen driven machanism for depicting the overall scenario of the problems people are facing due to lack of proper response of the authority. It is basically a platform for the people to take a stand against it.
How does a report gets published?
Our team checks a submitted report. If there is nothing conflicting or suspiscious, then the report gets published. Please note that the accuracy of each statement in a published report needs to be checked and verified by corresponding authority to confirm its authenticity.
How does this system work?
Is it safe to submit reports here?
Safety of the report submitters is our topmost priority. All of the personal information are kept safe and are not shared with anyone. However, the identity of the false information providers (if available) will be published.
Does this site maintain direct communication with the service providers?
Our team attempts to maintain direct communication with the service providers. We want to help them know your problems and also publish all the responses.
How can this site be trusted?
Well, basically people have no gain other than reporting their problems here, in road to getting them solved. So, it is expected that everyone will provide true information. And, if anyone is found providing misleading or false information, their identity (if available) will be disclosed with evidence.
Why does this site need customer information?
In order to ensure the acceptability of the submitted reports, we need victim's/submitter's identity. Besides, for communication purpose, the identity might also be needed. Please note that our system also supports anonymous submission of reports.
Does this site include any charge ?
No, this site is completely free and is expected to be free in the future.
Are comments and other responses compulsory?
No, they are optional. People can comment in the respective section and provide other information if they want to give their opinion.